Beverly Hills tummy tuck procedure is done under proper precautions and care of a renowned surgeon. Though the procedure itself cannot replace exercise routines and healthy eating regimen, it surely helps you regain the confidence to go for a healthy living again. The procedure is done under general anaesthesia and takes around 3-4 hours to complete while a partial tummy tuck can take between 1-2 hours. As it is an invasive procedure, an incision is made around the lower abdomen area from hip to hip region. The length of the incision may differ depending on how much fat removal is required.
A popular misconception among women is that the pregnancy stretch marks can be removed by undergoing tummy tuck. The procedure cannot remove these marks; however it may improve the look of the area where the skin is marked. Tummy tuck Los Angeles is quite popular among women and seems to be in fashion due to its least post-operative complications. Yet, it is always advised to know the pros and cons before going ahead as the risks and complications can differ from individual to individual. While undergoing Los Angeles tummy tuck; it is necessary to take expert physicians advise.