Many women who opt for tummy tuck Beverly Hills often get confused between tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck. Beverly Hills tummy tuck addresses the three major components of abdomen, namely skin, fat, and muscle. The most notable fact of the procedure is that work is done to tighten the stomach muscles that benefit women greatly. They can get a flat stomach easily. Results, especially when the procedure is combined with liposuction of the flanks, are highly dramatic.
A mini tummy tuck on the other hand is best suited for ladies who don't have saggy skin or stretch marks, but have a little pouch below the belly button. Mini tummy tuck Los Angeles can be done through a small incision in the belly button. Some women also like to get it done through a C section scar as it helps them to take out a little excess skin off the body.
Los Angeles tummy tuck is a suitable surgery for men also, especially those who have a pouch above the belly button. For those who have loose skin, and don’t want their muscles to be touched, there is a procedure called dermatolipectomy that takes out only the skin. It benefits most slender men and women who have slightly wrinkly or excess skin, but are lucky to have a good muscle tone.
Though exercising regularly can help in controlling the weight and getting a flat stomach to some extent, only tummy tuck can give you the look you want.