It is a common misconception that a tummy tuck Beverly Hills will help you lose weight. Actually, a tummy tuck is usually preformed after a person has lost a large amount of weight. Fluctuations in weight and other factors such as pregnancy, aging, and other surgeries may leave your abdomen with loose skin and fat or weakened muscles. Even hereditary conditions can cause you to develop a looser midsection that can be difficult or even impossible to lose without surgery. Even for those who practice great eating habits and regular exercise, that firm and fit abdomen may always be out of reach due to these factors.
During a Los Angeles tummy tuck, a cosmetic surgeon will remove excess amounts of skin and fat from your abdomen. The existing tissues will be pulled tight and reattached to create a much tighter appearance, eliminating loose skin and sagging fat. The process won't eliminate stretch marks or help you lose large amounts of weight, but will greatly enhance the toned look of your abdomen and help six pack abs become a reality for you again. Continued weight loss or fluctuations in weight will also cause the tummy tuck to lose some of its effectiveness since it will loosen the skin and muscles further, so be sure to only have the procedure after meeting your weight loss goals.
Due to the invasive nature of a Beverly Hills tummy tuck, you should expect a longer recovery time than for procedures like rhinoplasty or lap banding. You'll likely be given medications to promote healing and fight infection, be dressed in bandages for several days, and may even have a tube temporarily inserted underneath the skin to help the drainage and minimize swelling. For many looking to regain a figure that they've lost or to capture the body they have always wished for, the recovery and costs are well worth it for the final result.